Proofreading Bachelor thesis Berlin
Proofreading Bachelor thesis
Would you like to have your Bachelor thesis proofread? Our proofreading service in Berlin will proofread your Bachelor thesis.
We also perform plagiarism checks.
Our proofreading services for your Bachelor thesis
What does proofreading of a Bachelor thesis entail?
Do I need a proofreading service for my Bachelor thesis?
Is the proofreading of my Bachelor thesis legal?
Is a plagiarism check for my Bachelor thesis possible?
Is it worthwhile to have the Bachelor thesis proofread?
Is a test-proofreading of my Bachelor thesis possible?
How do I pay for the proofreading of my Bachelor thesis?
What will the corrections in my Bachelor thesis look like?
How can I order a proofreading of my Bachelor thesis?
When it comes to having your Bachelor thesis proofread, you can choose from three service packages:
Package 1: Proofreading “light” |
Package 2: Proofreading “BASIC” |
Package 3: Proofreading “COMPLETE” (recommended) |
Additionally, we offer a plagiarism check via software for your Bachelor thesis. The plagiarism check costs €30.00 (excl. VAT) for up to 150 pages.
With this package, we check your use of words and the language forms in which you express yourself, but we don't make changes to the content of your text. Corrections and suggestions are included in the "Revision Mode" on your document.
€ 5.00 (+ 19 % VAT)
per 1,600-character page
Syntax/sentence structure
Typography (spacing, quotation marks, etc.)
Following up-to-date spelling and grammar conventions
Optimising language use
Enhancing your argument
Polishing your style
Research on spelling of proper names
Deleting redundancy
Checking appropriateness and precision of titles and chapter headings
Checking the pagination of chapters and graphics (3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Verifying the numbering of sections and matching these with the page numbers on your Contents page
Consistency of expression of, for instance:
Validity of supporting arguments and references
Viability of your approach and methodology
Ensuring consistency of your footnotes
Checking your website references are up-to-date
Suggesting (in the ‘Comments’ column) alternative formulations, phrasing, spelling, etc.
Signposting possible errors in citations or dates
Querying unclear content or vague formulations
Our service package “Proofreading BASIC” includes everything we offer in the “Proofreading light” package, but this is supplemented with the following services:
€ 5.50 (+ 19 % VAT)
per 1,600-character page
Syntax/sentence structure
Typography (spacing, quotation marks, etc.)
Following up-to-date spelling and grammar conventions
Optimising language use
Enhancing your argument
Polishing your style
Research on spelling of proper names
Deleting redundancy
Checking appropriateness and precision of titles and chapter headings
Checking the pagination of chapters and graphics (3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Verifying the numbering of sections and matching these with the page numbers on your Contents page
Consistency of expression of, for instance:
Validity of supporting arguments and references
Viability of your approach and methodology
Ensuring consistency of your footnotes
Checking your website references are up-to-date
Suggesting (in the ‘Comments’ column) alternative formulations, phrasing, spelling, etc.
Signposting possible errors in citations or dates
Querying unclear content or vague formulations
Although “Proofreading COMPLETE” is our premium package, it’s the one we most advise you to take. In fact, 99% of our clients choose this package as it contains not only the services featured in our previous packages but also includes (in the Comments column) our comments and suggestions for avoiding unclear language and other pitfalls.
€ 6.00 (+ 19 % VAT)
per 1,600-character page
Syntax/sentence structure
Typography (spacing, quotation marks, etc.)
Following up-to-date spelling and grammar conventions
Optimising language use
Enhancing your argument
Polishing your style
Research on spelling of proper names
Deleting redundancy
Checking appropriateness and precision of titles and chapter headings
Checking the pagination of chapters and graphics (3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Verifying the numbering of sections and matching these with the page numbers on your Contents page
Consistency of expression of, for instance:
Validity of supporting arguments and references
Viability of your approach and methodology
Ensuring consistency of your footnotes
Checking your website references are up-to-date
Suggesting (in the ‘Comments’ column) alternative formulations, phrasing, spelling, etc.
Signposting possible errors in citations or dates
Querying unclear content or vague formulations
When considering our three Bachelor thesis proofreading offers, you should bear in mind that Package 3 is the only service that features our comments and suggestions (in the ‘Comments’ column). In this column we draw your attention to ambiguities in the way you express yourself in your Bachelor thesis. You may, for example (in the opinion of our native-language editors and proofreaders) be using unclear language, inappropriate punctuation conventions or there might be misleading or contradictory content, errors in your argument, and other potential pitfalls in your Bachelor thesis.
When it comes to proofreading a Bachelor thesis, our primary clients are of course students hoping to complete their initial graduate courses. Perhaps you’ve written your Bachelor thesis but errors in orthography, punctuation or content still need to be identified and removed from the text. We’re here to iron out these wrinkles so that you can present your Bachelor thesis in a way you can be proud of.
For extra academic “insurance”, we would be happy to carry out a plagiarism check on your Bachelor thesis, using specialised software.
This is what we offer: we proofread your Bachelor thesis and polish the text to make it easier and clearer to read. In addition, we point out content-related errors – for example, if you contradict yourself or your numbering of graphs, figures and tables is incorrect (you’d be surprised how many Bachelor theses feature two ‘Table 2’s). Perhaps your pagination doesn’t match the page numbers in your Contents page, or you switch between US- and UK-English (it’s common, for instance, to “realise” something in your introduction and “realize” it in your conclusion).
In short, by close reading of your Bachelor thesis, we do our very best to enhance what you’ve written, down to the tiniest details of expression and presentation.
As a rule, the answer to whether you need proofreading is “yes”, because some Bachelor theses may feature two or three errors in each line – that’s around 60 corrections per page. Here is an overview of why proofreading is so necessary:
Improving your grade
Your aim in writing your Bachelor thesis is to show your ability to explore a topic in depth. Whether your Bachelor thesis addresses subject matter in the field of chemistry, biology, physics, healthcare, engineering, economics, the arts or the social sciences, you need to be able to develop an extended argument that is logically coherent, using viable methods and based on valid references. And all this within a deadline.
But once you’ve managed the challenging task of researching and writing your Bachelor thesis, you may be advised by your academic supervisor or examiner that the grade for your Bachelor thesis is lower than you’d expected. This may be down to poor spelling and punctuation, an unclear or clumsy writing style, redundancies, repetition and omission of context, or a conclusion that seems rushed. Our native-language Bachelor thesis proofreaders can address these shortcomings for you and offer suggestions and advice that in many cases lead to higher overall grades for many students’ Bachelor theses.
Counteracting accusations of plagiarism
Students often fail their Bachelor thesis assignment because the person grading their work is suggesting that some of it may have been plagiarised. Facing a charge of possible plagiarism in their Bachelor thesis can naturally be a source of great worry for many students. Understandably so, as a lot of effort goes into writing a Bachelor thesis, you only have a limited number of attempts to pass, and ultimately you don’t want to fail because of an uncited quotation or a slippery reference.
Protect yourself from such accusations by having us perform a plagiarism check for your Bachelor thesis. We use specialised software that detects potential plagiarism. No one should be able to accuse you of not having checked your Bachelor thesis for plagiarism before you submit it to your supervisor or examiner.
Enhancing readability
Your examiner reads many Bachelor theses each semester, not just yours. That’s a big commitment of time and effort on the part of your examiner.
Submitting a Bachelor thesis that meets your examiner’s expectations – one that’s not just satisfactory but satisfying to read – raises the chances of you being viewed in a good light when it comes to your viva voce (oral examination). So let us improve your Bachelor thesis in such a way that your examiner doesn’t need to spend extra hours trying to make sense of your argument, finds the work clear and smooth to read and isn’t continually re-reading to make sense of confusing arguments clumsily expressed.
Making your examiner’s job easier will have a positive effect on your Bachelor thesis grade, because good writing doesn’t need to be hard work to read.
Remove content problems before the oral defence of your Bachelor thesis
An effective proofreading of your Bachelor thesis will also help you to prepare for the oral exam. If we’re drawing your attention to a hypothesis that’s worded vaguely and suggesting a clearer formulation, for instance, when we proofread your Bachelor thesis, you’ll be able to go back to this before the time comes to defend your work in the oral exam. To help you avoid the examiner misunderstanding your points (perhaps because your language use, and therefore your argument, is unclear) we remove these pitfalls by asking questions during our proofreading of your Bachelor thesis.
You’ll have plenty of time following the proofreading of your Bachelor thesis to address and correct these issues before you submit the final version of the Bachelor thesis to your examiner. This will also ensure that you perform more confidently in the oral exam, because the points you make and the criticisms you refute are supported by the appropriate arguments and evidence.
Of course. Not only is proofreading a Bachelor thesis legal, it’s often recommended by academic institutions. The Bachelor thesis is your intellectual property, and you’re also required to sign a declaration that it’s an authentic and original piece of work created by you. But it’s still advisable to have your work (in this case your Bachelor thesis) corrected.
We proofread your Bachelor thesis; we don’t write it for you. That’s “ghostwriting” – not our department. You alone are responsible for the content of your Bachelor thesis. However, we’ll enhance your Bachelor thesis by proofreading it (reading the whole text at least twice, whatever its length) and pointing out any discrepancies, inconsistencies or problems of style.
Universities also recommend proofreading of a Bachelor thesis. Lecturers are often grateful to read corrected Bachelor theses because it saves them time and effort. After all, we prefer to read good books rather than bad ones.
Yes, we also offer a plagiarism check for your Bachelor thesis. This costs €30.00 (excl. VAT) for up to 150 pages (a “standard page” consists of 1,600 characters). For longer texts, an additional charge will be necessary.
In the following remarks, we set out why we’re convinced we’re your ideal partner for proofreading your Bachelor thesis.
We hope our references speak for themselves.
After all, we don’t just proofread Bachelor theses, we also proofread texts from clients in business and politics – from menus to quarterly business reports, from personal statements and curricula vitae to conference brochures, museum guides, books and websites. We hope the trust that companies place in our work is ample evidence of our suitability as a partner to proofread your Bachelor thesis. Our regular customers are not only firms but also students who may come to us first with term papers and a Bachelor thesis and who then use our services again for their Master thesis and beyond.
So put your trust in our references and let our native-speaker editors proofread your Bachelor thesis. We’ll enhance your draft to ensure your completed Bachelor thesis is as readable, polished and rewarding as it can possibly be.
Transparency creates trust
When we proofread your Bachelor thesis, we’ll keep you fully informed along every step of the way. After reviewing your text, we’ll first provide you with an offer, which will specify the service and final price. Once you agree to this offer, our native-speaking editors can get started on proofreading your Bachelor thesis. No hidden costs – you pay only what’s been pre-agreed and written into the offer that you signed for.
Customer testimonials
We’ve been praised for our work, which of course makes us happy. That’s why we’re pleased when satisfied clients come back to us. You can read what our customers have to say about us here. Many customers have in fact recommended us to others. And it makes us especially proud when customers tell us that their Bachelor thesis ended up with an improved grade.
We first review your Bachelor thesis – and then devise a suitable schedule
Before you receive an offer from us, we review your Bachelor thesis. After checking that we’re clear about the content of the text, we then come up with a time frame required to complete the proofreading of your Bachelor thesis. And we always ensure we offer you enough “buffer time” for you to meet your deadlines.
An example
Say you’ve written a Bachelor thesis of 50 pages. In this case, we would calculate around two or three days, which comes to about 25 pages per day. If necessary, we might need one or two days extra. So you’d get your Bachelor thesis back after around five days; of course, we always inquire about any interim or final deadlines.
This realistic schedule will help you to plan the time you’ll need after we’ve proofread your Bachelor thesis. (You should also calculate the time it would take for a copy store to print and bind your completed Bachelor thesis.)
We also reject Bachelor theses
We reject Bachelor theses with an unrealistic time frame. Because we want to do a good job, a certain time frame is needed. If necessary, you can arrange an extension of the deadline for your Bachelor thesis with your supervisor. It’s important that you hand in a high-quality Bachelor thesis, but your grade shouldn’t suffer because you’re pressed for time.
Prices can vary from one proofreading service to another, and we’re aware that our service isn’t the cheapest. But we’re fine with that because, for us, high quality comes first. Editing text properly takes time. This time will of course incur a financial cost. This means that, for us to proofread your Bachelor thesis to the highest standards, a certain price range is unavoidable. After all, you want your Bachelor thesis proofread and edited conscientiously and not just quickly.
However, we tend to set lower prices for the proofreading of a student’s Bachelor thesis than we do, say, for proofreading a company report.
No advertising with “low prices”
For us, quality comes first; we associate quality with corresponding prices. In addition, the term “attractive prices” is a bit of a misnomer. A good editor knows, of course, that a price can’t be “attractive”, because a price doesn’t represent a good or service; it’s just a shorthand for characterising the cost of that good or service. So prices can be “low” or “high” but not “attractive”, whereas the good or service can of course be deemed “attractive”.
Our editors are university graduates
All our native-speaker team members have a university degree. This requirement is to ensure that your Bachelor thesis is proofread effectively by people familiar with the schedules and workflows involved in writing a Bachelor thesis. We believe that someone familiar with the academic world is best placed to give you the best tips and advice for enriching your Bachelor thesis.
Old (and older) hands
Our team members are all at least 35 years old. This helps ensure that nobody inexperienced will be proofreading your Bachelor thesis, but only those editors who have already gained experience in proofreading, editing and working with a variety of texts and styles specific to different fields of study.
We know the procedures, processes, and concerns that you’re facing – in many cases, our native-speaking proofreaders have experienced the same themselves – and we’re convinced we’re the right partners to help you successfully complete your Bachelor thesis.
We aren’t based abroad
You’re naturally looking for a proofreading service you can rely on. The deadline for your Bachelor thesis is getting closer, so you’re probably already under time pressure. Ideally, the proofreader of your Bachelor thesis should be as accessible as possible. That’s us. We’re located in Berlin and are easily reachable for questions – even on weekends and holidays.
Have we made you curious? Then please feel free to contact us at:
Tel.: (030) 755 41 38 - 9
Contact person: Mr. Frank Elminowski
Graduate in business administration / parliamentary stenographer / proofreader and editor
That depends on which of our three service packages you choose for the proofreading of your Bachelor thesis. We offer the following three service packages:
Package 1: Proofreading “light”
Package 2: Proofreading “BASIC”
Package 3: Proofreading “COMPLETE” (recommended)
We recommend the COMPLETE proofreading (our third package), because only in this package do we include our comments and notes (in the Comments column on ‘Track Changes’ mode) in cases where we detect discrepancies or inconsistencies in your work. Although it’s the priciest package, 99% of our clients choose this offer for a proofreading of their Bachelor thesis.
Yes, and for several reasons:
Improve the readability of your Bachelor thesis
Your professor or supervisor will be reading not only your thesis but many others as well. He or she will gain a certain impression of the way you write, think and formulate arguments, just as with other students. So this is your chance to shine compared to others. In this comparison, you can’t afford to hand in a superficially argued or clunkily written paper. Please don’t give your supervisor the feeling that you assume it’s easy for them to understand what you mean. Show that you’ve made an effort. A poorly written paper full of mistakes will leave a bad impression and your professor will perhaps end up feeling negatively towards you and your work. Therefore, give them a favourable impression of your work so that they’ll also remember you positively when the time comes for your oral exam (viva voce).
Eliminate discrepancies before the oral exam
When we proofread your Bachelor thesis, in the right-hand margin we’ll include comments, suggestions and queries about your content. And many an “awkward” question from our side may bring out an “a-ha” response in you. We hope that, by asking these questions or giving remarks, we might help you see what’s still lacking in your work.
The more ambiguities we clear up before the oral exam for your Bachelor thesis, the fewer awkward questions your professor or supervisor will bowl at you during the oral exam. You may be as well-prepared as possible for the content of your paper, but one “odd” question from your supervisor can be enough to distract you just because he or she may have misunderstood the content. We’re here to help you tackle potential weaknesses in your argument at an early stage and to query those points that might otherwise trip you up in the oral examination.
Last attempt to pass
Your Bachelor thesis might be the last attempt to qualify for your degree. At this point – at the latest – you should also make use of a proofreading service, because it’s often underestimated how much editing is still needed for a Bachelor thesis. A wrongly numbered table of contents, missing chapters, pie charts that don’t add up to 100% and a conclusion that’s too rushed or brief are just some of the most common pitfalls. It’s possible that your Bachelor thesis is still less than perfect after the proofreading, but perhaps we’ve turned a 4.0 into a 2.5 (or a D into a B) – which could be the difference between a pass and a fail.
Ensuring your Bachelor thesis is “fit to print”
Some students publish their Bachelor theses in book form or as a chapter in an anthology of academic papers. Proofreading your Bachelor thesis should definitely be considered in these cases, to make sure your text is in a publishable format. For example, there are many different ways to present references, within a text (in brackets) and at the end of your paper. When we proofread your Bachelor thesis, we pay close attention to the conventions you’re using (whether you use ‘&’ or ‘and’, ‘et al’ or ‘et al.’, ‘e.g.,’ or ‘e.g.’ and so on). After all, your Bachelor thesis may eventually be read by many – and you want it to sell as many copies as possible.
Cooperation with a company
Often, when people are doing an internship, they decide to write their Bachelor thesis about the company or institute where they work. In doing so, you shouldn’t disappoint the company in question with a poor Bachelor thesis, because the quality of the Bachelor thesis not only reflects on you but also on the company or institute.
To make it easier for you to decide on the basis of our work, you have the opportunity to send up to two A4 pages of your Bachelor thesis which we’ll proofread and correct for you, absolutely free of charge.
You can pay for the proofreading of your Bachelor thesis by bank transfer as well as by PayPal.
Note: When it comes to bank transfers, we’ll usually ask you for the bank transfer receipt. This can be saved as a pdf file when you’re doing online banking. This shows, for example, the TAN number that was used for the transfer. This is especially helpful before the weekend, for instance if you need your Bachelor thesis on a Monday but you’re unable to transfer the amount until Tuesday. Having the transfer receipt means we can start proofreading your Bachelor thesis straight away.
When proofreading your Bachelor thesis, we always use Word’s correction mode (in the ‘Review’ menu, under ‘Tracking’ and then ‘Track Changes’). This means that every change in the text is displayed in colour (when you click on ‘All Markup’). You’ll see removed words on the right side of the correction margin.
For comments in the margin of your Bachelor thesis text, we highlight words, phrases or sometimes whole sentences. In this case, a comment at the end of the highlighted part of the text also appears in the right-hand column. This comment will often be a proofreader’s suggestion for a different formulation.
You will receive two versions back
After we’ve proofread your Bachelor thesis, you’ll always receive two versions back from us.
In the first version, you’ll be able to see all our changes.
In the second version, these changes have already been included in the document. But our marginal comments are still in the text. We recommend that you continue working directly with this second, “cleaner” version, allowing you to concentrate on the comments that appear in the margin. You can then easily delete these comments once you’re satisfied you’ve addressed any suggestions we raised.
Contact us by phone or e-mail.
Phone: (030) 755 41 38 - 9
Simply give us an outline of your Bachelor thesis project and ask for a quote. Key information would include your deadline, the rough length or word count of your text, the scope of the project and its current status (whether your text appears as a first draft or is pretty much finished, for example).
For our offer, we would also need your full postal address, as well as confirmation of the service package you’d like to receive for a proofreading of your Bachelor thesis:
Package 1: Proofreading “light”
Package 2: Proofreading “BASIC”
Package 3: Proofreading “COMPLETE” (recommended)
Please send us all the texts you would like us to proofread so that we can determine the number of “standard pages” (1 standard page = 1,600 characters), as these are necessary for calculating our offer fairly.
Ask your family for support
Perhaps you can ask family members whether they could support you with the costs of proofreading. Proofreading a Bachelor thesis can perhaps also be “donated” as part of a birthday present or Christmas gift.
In cooperation with companies
Are you writing your Bachelor thesis in cooperation with a company? In most cases, it’s possible to negotiate funding for the proofreading – some companies may even bear the entire costs for the proofreading of a Bachelor thesis.
In cooperation with a university
Some Bachelor theses are written as a joint project with a university, college or other academic or research institute. Perhaps you can inquire there for funding for a proofreading, if this applies to you.
5% discount on the Master thesis
Perhaps you used our services when you ordered a proofreading of your Bachelor thesis, and now you’re coming back to us with a proofreading of your Master thesis in mind? If this applies to you, we’ll always offer you a 5% discount on a proofreading of your Master thesis.
How long would it take to proofread my Bachelor thesis?
Depending on the amount of work and the quality of what you submit (in terms of writing, layout, pagination and referencing, for instance), we can usually proofread and edit 20 to 25 pages per day. We always allow for some buffer time. For a 50-page Bachelor thesis, we tend to assume two or three days; if all goes smoothly, you’ll have your Bachelor thesis back after only three working days.
Why are there more pages on the pricing quote than I’ve written?
When we receive your Bachelor thesis, we determine the number of characters you’ve written and calculate the number of so-called “standard pages” from this. A standard page consists of 1,600 characters, regardless of font size and number of illustrations, for example. In this way, pricing remains fair as only the actual written text is counted. Some authors use a small font and single spacing, while others include a lot of graphics, figures and tables – but in the end only the number of written characters counts. There are differences between the number of A4 pages and the number of so-called standard pages. However, the calculation is always fair – both for you as a writer and for us as editors.
Incidentally, some people ask us not to proofread references, so please be sure, when necessary, to clarify which parts of your Bachelor thesis you need proofreading.
Where can I have my Bachelor thesis printed and bound?
Any copy store will do both very quickly. It usually takes about 30 minutes to have your work printed and bound. However, a copy store’s services can be more in demand during some periods compared to others. So try to avoid that last-minute dash – it’s advisable to contact your local copy store in advance for more information.
What if my Bachelor thesis is subject to non-disclosure considerations?
If your Bachelor thesis is subject to a restriction notice (perhaps because it contains sensitive information regarding security or healthcare policy, for example), you’ll receive an offer from us with a clause stating that we undertake not to disclose internal details of your Bachelor thesis to any outside parties.
How many days before the deadline should I submit my Bachelor thesis for proofreading?
That depends on how extensive your work is, how complete or incomplete it still is, and the quality of the text we receive. If your work is already broadly complete, relatively straightforward to read and around 50 “standard pages” long, then we’ll probably need two or three days to fully proofread your Bachelor thesis.
Please note that you might need another one or two days for reworking and that your Bachelor thesis will in most cases need to be printed, bound and submitted to the relevant academic bodies.