Proofreading of Websites and Homepages

Would you like to have a proofreading of the texts on your website?


Our website proofreading service examines and corrects: website texts, online articles, SEO (search engine optimisation) and localisation material, blog articles, social media posts, and product descriptions for online stores in both English and German.


Request website proofreading now



For proofreading of the contents of your homepage, this part of the HFL website covers the following topics:



Proofreading of websites and homepages

Are you getting close to the launch (or re-launch) date of your website, but you feel your website texts need one final check for accuracy? Or is your website already up and running, even though the website texts appearing on it haven’t been thoroughly proofread?

In short, would you like to have your website texts proofread? Then please feel free to get in touch with us.

We proofread and correct website texts for websites that are already ‘live’, as well as website texts for homepages and landing pages that are still at the pre-launch stage.


When your website is already online:

In the event that your website is already online, we’d generally ask you for a series of references – what website developers call a ‘directory tree’. Put simply, this is a document (usually a Word file) that lists all the links to your website’s individual landing pages.

Using this directory tree, we devise for you a kind of ‘route planner’. This enables us, with the help of these links (and screenshots if necessary) to highlight and correct existing errors that appear on the corresponding landing pages of your website. You – or your programmers or IT team – can then use this corrected draft to remove the uncorrected text from the ‘back-end’ of your website and replace this with the new, proofread and corrected, content.


When your website is not yet online:

In the event that your website is not yet ‘live’, but you already have all your website texts ready to put into the back-end and still need them proofread, please send us these website texts and we can make an appropriate offer for this type of website proofreading service.


Request proofreading for your website now


    How much would a website proofreading cost?

    The following table lists the various prices for proofreading of website texts – which you can send to us either as Word files or in pdf format. As with our other proofreading services, we calculate on a 'per page' basis, where a 'standard page' consists of 1,600 characters, including blank spaces.

    If you’d like us to proofread a website that’s already online, but when for some reason it’s not feasible to send us a Word document or a pdf file, we can agree with you an ‘all-in’ or package price that’s specially tailored to your needs. In these cases, we’d normally calculate the time required in hours and set an hourly rate of €40.00 (excl. VAT, currently 19%).


    With this package, we check your use of words and the language forms in which you express yourself, but we don't make changes to the content of your text. Corrections and suggestions are included in the "Revision Mode" on your document.

    Proofreading light

    €6.00 (+ 19% VAT)

    per 1,600-character page




    Syntax/sentence structure


    Typography (spacing, quotation marks, etc.)

    Following up-to-date spelling and grammar conventions

    Optimising language use

    Enhancing your argument

    Polishing your style

    Research on spelling of proper names

    Removing redundancy

    Checking appropriateness and precision of titles and headlines

    Checking the correct numbering

    Checking the functionality of any ‘buttons’ that you include on your site

    Consistency of expression of, for instance: technical terms, compounds (e.g., ‘data base’ or ‘database’), opening and closing quotation marks





    Validity of supporting arguments and references

    Viability of your approach and methodology

    Informing you of any errors appearing in your graphics, figures and tables

    Checking your links are up-to-date and informing you of the validity of any links you include on your site

    Suggestions for alternative formulations, phrasing, spelling, etc.

    Signposting possible errors in citations or dates

    Querying unclear content or vague formulations

    Our service package “Proofreading BASIC” includes everything we offer in the “Proofreading light” package, but this is supplemented with the following services:

    Proofreading BASIC

    €7.00 (+ 19% VAT)

    per 1,600-character page




    Syntax/sentence structure


    Typography (spacing, quotation marks, etc.)

    Following up-to-date spelling and grammar conventions

    Optimising language use

    Enhancing your argument

    Polishing your style

    Research on spelling of proper names

    Removing redundancy

    Checking appropriateness and precision of titles and headlines

    Checking the correct numbering

    Checking the functionality of any ‘buttons’ that you include on your site

    Consistency of expression of, for instance: technical terms, compounds (e.g., ‘data base’ or ‘database’), opening and closing quotation marks





    Validity of supporting arguments and references

    Viability of your approach and methodology

    Informing you of any errors appearing in your graphics, figures and tables

    Checking your links are up-to-date and informing you of the validity of any links you include on your site

    Suggestions for alternative formulations, phrasing, spelling, etc.

    Signposting possible errors in citations or dates

    Querying unclear content or vague formulations

    Although “Proofreading COMPLETE” is our premium package, it’s the one we most advise you to take. In fact, 99% of our clients choose this package as it contains not only the services featured in our previous packages but also includes (in the Comments column) our comments and suggestions for avoiding unclear language and other pitfalls.

    Proofreading COMPLETE

    €8.00 (+ 19% VAT)

    per 1,600-character page




    Syntax/sentence structure


    Typography (spacing, quotation marks, etc.)

    Following up-to-date spelling and grammar conventions

    Optimising language use

    Enhancing your argument

    Polishing your style

    Research on spelling of proper names

    Removing redundancy

    Checking appropriateness and precision of titles and headlines

    Checking the correct numbering

    Checking the functionality of any ‘buttons’ that you include on your site

    Consistency of expression of, for instance: technical terms, compounds (e.g., ‘data base’ or ‘database’), opening and closing quotation marks





    Validity of supporting arguments and references

    Viability of your approach and methodology

    Informing you of any errors appearing in your graphics, figures and tables

    Checking your links are up-to-date and informing you of the validity of any links you include on your site

    Suggestions for alternative formulations, phrasing, spelling, etc.

    Signposting possible errors in citations or dates

    Querying unclear content or vague formulations



    Proofreading of blog articles on your website

    Website blogs are a simple yet effective way of getting your message across, whether it’s about your company, the products and services you’re offering, experiences and best practices you want to share, or any other content.

    Because you can reach so many users and potential clients with your blog posts, it’s imperative that these blog articles be faultless. The text that appears on your website is your ‘calling card’ – it should create trust and make your website visitors eager to learn more.

    Do you regularly post blog articles on your website and would you like these to be proofread by professionals?

    Then please feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail. Together, we can ensure that your website texts are free from error, readable and attractive to others.

    Proofreading of social media posts for your website

    Similar to blog articles, social media posts and contributions represent a straightforward yet effective way of informing people about, for example, your business, generating curiosity and sharing your opinions and experiences. Social media posts can introduce new products and services, give information and feedback relating to a variety of topics, convey specialist knowledge to users or present new activities that your company is pursuing.

    In contrast to blog articles, however, these social media posts don’t appear on your own website but on various social media channels and platforms. These can have a tremendous – and often international – reach and can generate a huge amount of feedback. That’s why not only your blog articles but also your social media posts should appear without errors, so that your message is relevant and convincing, in whatever form it takes.

    Do you often post content on social media and are looking for a proofreading service for this text content?

    Then please feel free to contact us for this specialised proofreading service.


    Proofreading of online articles appearing on your website

    Online articles – often from newspapers or journals – are often disseminated by means of websites. They can comprise a variety of themes: news stories, financial reports, findings from health-related research, travel tips and much more. Because online articles also tend to reach large numbers of people – and are also in many cases supported by advertising – these online articles should also contain no mistakes. For a start, a text free from errors can help to underline the quality and trustworthiness of a news report or research summary that features on your website.

    Do you regularly put up articles online and you’d like to have these proofread before you include them on your website?

    Then please get in touch with us to arrange a proofreading of an online article for your website.


    Proofreading of SEO texts for your website

    SEO texts are texts that are designed to make your website more likely to appear in a higher position on various search engines. SEO stands for ‘search engine optimisation’ and refers to how websites, home pages, landing pages, online articles and blog posts can be tweaked so that they appear higher up on a search engine’s list of most popular sites, therefore making your online offer easier for a user to find.

    Even though the old rule of ‘lots of keywords help a lot’ doesn’t work in quite the same way today, an appealing SEO text should still contain relevant keywords and these should appear in an order that makes sense.

    As an example: do you have an SEO or localisation text that you’ve written or one that someone has written for you or your company, but you’re not sure whether it contains errors or is optimally tailored to your target audience? Then please get in touch with us and we can arrange a proofreading of your SEO texts.

    We’ll remove, if necessary, any grammatical and spelling errors, while also giving you pointers to those parts of your SEO text or website localisation text where you could free your text a little from the excess of keywords. Nowadays, having too many keywords repeated can now be interpreted by search engine algorithms as evidence of machine-generated content, leading to your website being positioned lower down in a search engine’s ‘charts’).

    In this way, you can fill your website’s home pages and landing pages with clear and readable texts that are not only easy on the eye but which stay in the brain.

    Plus, SEO texts are by no means our only specialities – we also have a host of other tips for you in our website proofreading toolkit.



    Proofreading for your website's online shop

    Online stores are the shop windows on the internet high street. These are particularly suited to presenting products – regardless of the time of day, opening hours or holidays – and to retail these goods and services locally, regionally and internationally.

    When it comes to online stores, product presentation comes in two flavours: images and text. We’re not responsible for picture content, but we can certainly enhance the way your online store presents its wares by making sure your product descriptions are proofread with the greatest care. Most companies agree with us that this represents a clear ‘added value’ to their business.

    Whether neutral, quirky, informative, designed to pique a client’s curiosity, funny, flowery or alluring, after our proofreading a product description will read better – that is, the content will be more likely to appeal to a potential buyer.

    Show your customers that not only are you convinced of the value of the products and services you’re offering, you have their best interests at heart as well.

    Dress your online shop window with the ideal combination of images and text. We’ll be happy to support you in your endeavours.


    How to commission a website proofreading service from us

    If you’re interested in a website proofreading, please feel free to get in touch with us for a personal chat, by telephone or e-mail.

    Telephone: (030) 755 41 38 - 9

    Share with us your requests and requirements for your website and ask for a quote for our customised proofreading services.

    Please note: For us to be able to submit to you a suitable offer for your website proofreading, please let us know which proofreading package you’ve decided on.

    From our three packages for website proofreading, we always recommend Package 3: our service package ‘Website proofreading “COMPLETE”’.

    Please send us all the texts that you’d like to have proofread – either as a Word file or in pdf format – so that we can calculate our offer based on the total number of characters in your content.

    This offer is based on a so-called ‘standard page’ (or Normseite in German), with one standard page consisting of 1,600 characters (including spaces). Our offer will then be based on a certain amount in euros per standard page.

    Alternatively, instead of sending us your website texts directly, you can send us a file listing all the relevant links to your home page and, if necessary, its subsidiary landing pages. We’d then calculate our offer based on a best estimate of the time it would take to proofread your website texts.